Nature Experience School Schedule
Bakko fishing experience
Let's catch a small fish (Bakko) using simple tools.What kind of fish can I catch?
Application deadline: Saturday, February 2023, 05
Shark breeding experience
There are many tricks to keeping sharks in aquariums.Let's explore the secret while experiencing.
Application deadline: Sunday, March 2023, 04
Dolphin breeding experience
What kind of work do dolphin keepers do?Experience the work of a keeper.
Application deadline: Sunday, March 2023, 04
Examine the body of a shark
Learn more about sharks! * This is a slightly difficult content for junior high school students and above.
Application deadline: Sunday, March 2023, 03
Dolphin health management
Let's get close to the most important work of dolphin keepers! * This is a slightly difficult content for junior high school students and above.
Application deadline: Saturday, February 2023, 02
Dolphin breeding experience
Challenge the job of a dolphin keeper!
Application deadline: Saturday, February 2023, 02
Jellyfish wonder
Jellyfish are immortal! Let's approach the mystery of jellyfish.
Application deadline: Sunday, March 2023, 01
Sea lion breeding experience
Adhering to the work of a sea lion keeper
Application deadline: Sunday, March 2023, 01
The wonder of shark teeth
Shark teeth are full of secrets.Aim for it, Dr. Shark!
Application deadline: Sunday, March 2022, 12