Aqua World Ibaraki Prefectural Oarai Aquarium is an IBARAKI-FREE-Wi-Fi installation facility.
Free Wi-Fi is available at the 2nd floor multi-purpose space, 3rd floor Moramora (entrance shop), 3rd floor food court, 3rd floor general information front, 4th floor Ocean Theater entrance area, 4th floor Special Exhibition Room, XNUMXrd floor Shark Daddy's Room. Available.
No antivirus or security measures are taken.
Please use the service at your own risk, such as installing antivirus and filtering harmful sites.
*If you connect after entering your password, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use.
Password: ibarakiken
Where to use
- 2nd floor multi-purpose space
- 3rd floor Moramora (entrance shop)
- 3th floor food court
- In front of the general information on the 3rd floor
- Near the Ocean Theater entrance on the 4th floor
- 4th Floor Special Exhibition Room
- XNUMXrd Floor Shark Daddy's Room
*Radio wave conditions vary depending on the location and model of use.
Usage guidance
Agree to the terms of use before connecting.
Please prepare a device and power supply for a computer, smartphone, etc. that supports Wi-Fi connection.
*If you connect after entering your password, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use.
Security etc.
No antivirus or security measures are taken.
Please use the service at your own risk, such as installing antivirus and filtering harmful sites.
Connection method
- Agree to the terms of use, and select "IBARAKI-FREE-Wi-Fi" on the Wi-Fi network selection screen on your smartphone or other device at your location.
- A login screen is displayed.
- Enter your password and press the connect button.
- Wi-Fi connection becomes possible.